Behind our parkBehind our park 2On a sunny Fall day I captured this scene that exists in a near by area, behind a tennis court in a city park in Santee. The colors were just sizzling and I loved the orange color in this bush by the trail to Cowles Mt.  I don’t even know th name of this hardy bush.

The photo I took of  that particular view was taken on a later day when it wasn’t so sunny. I needed this photo to show how it was when I painted on location.
dead bush back of parkThe next year I noticed that orange bush died! Why? How strange! Another story for me to share of ‘how it was’ and look what happened!

Nothing else around this bush had died.  How strange to find that what I had painted and photographed had just died!  Why does this happen to me?

I enjoy walking through this park observing all that takes place with the colors of nature and how the lighting can change through out the year and seasons.