tea for kittyI have 19 paintings at the Rancho San Diego library in El Cajon for the month of April (2010) as I am the featured artist again. If you didn’t get to see my collages at the Porter Hall in La Mesa, well, here’s your chance to view them at this library. Also, I got invited back to show at the San Carlos library with the Garden Society Exhibit.  They use our creations to create their florals. What a cool idea!  Paintibgs and florals shown together.

I just sold the painting of Tea for Kitty!  Since it is in someones home now, I’ll share it here for you to see.  Kitty was just painted last month so she hasn’t been around very long. She was created out of no where!  I had the flowers and the teapot all set in this painting and didn’t know what to do with all the empty space to the left of the vase, and so, here came Kitty! I kind of just made her up.  I’ll miss her.  I love cats, but am allergic to them.