Relatives (1)The name of this painting is “Relatives” and the actual truth in this story is not just one relative that I am mentioning here because she just passed away recently. Janie Kelly, my sister in law, will be missed, but I have her in this painting. She is holding the umbrella for my other relatives and then two of them are coming from their car in this scene.

The event of this scene was the day of my dad’s funeral. So the title of this story should be about relatives, and not just a relative.

This scene made a nice composition for a painting and I rarely do paintings of people, but I like the shapes in this painting because the curve of the umbrella was repeated in the curve of the sidewalk and then echoed in the purse Janie is holding. The shape of the sidewalk leads right into what the focus of this painting is.  The colors in this painting were all harmonized to make a pleasing atmosphere.  One of my favorite painters, Eric Wiegardt said, “Art is what something could be rather than what it is.”  This was a sad day, but I made it into something warm and interesting.

I am going to miss Janie especially because she lived near me and the other relatives live in Missouri.  This painting is an oil on canvas and is 16 x 20 inches, and is for sale.  If  it doesn’t sell then it will look charming in the ladies’ room at our church.

By the way, Janie was married to my brother, Jim.  He was killed at age 37 several years ago.  One thing nice about funerals is that you get to see all your friends from long ago and some of the relatives, too.