Stockings Neededshe needs stockingsI had just taken my daughter to her class at San Diego State and then went to the mall in Mission Valley, but May Co. wasn’t open yet. I noticed a little old lady waiting on the bench by the store and when I took a closer look at her while I was waiting in my van, I noticed she was so well dressed, but had bare legs.

She had a fur collar on her winter coat, a velvet hat with netting, black leather gloves on and a cute little purse, and high heels. I assumed she needed to buy some stockings that cold morning.

The earring she was wearing was of something I had never seen before and I made a sketch of it because it started on the top of her ear and wrapped around the back of the ear and at the bottom of the ear lobe it had dangling pieces. How charming!

I was so glad I had a sketch book and a pencil with me that morning to get a sketchy note of what I was observing. That was 1984, and many years later and I finally got around to doing a nice 8 x 10 inch watercolor of her and I titled it “Stockings Needed.”

May Co. no longer exists at this mall, now it is Macy’s.  I have this kind of thing happen to me alot,  I painted it, look what happened!!! TIHIS PAINTING GOT STOLEN.